Expressing Ideas

1) Know what you really want to communicate.
  • What are the ideas I want to express?
  • What impression I don't want people to get?
  • Am I 100% sure of my goal?

2) Prepare as much as possible.
  • What should I know about my audience?
  • What possible questions will I be asked?
  • What can I do to stay calm and look confident?

3) Focus on engaging your audience.
  • How can I keep it as short as possible?
  • If I want to be understood by my audience, what words should I use?
  • What illustration will get my point across?
  • What personal experience will get my point across?

4) Organize your ideas. People like order and clarity.
  • What is my main idea?
  • What are the supporting points of the main idea?
  • What evidence or data will reinforce my supporting ideas?
  • What is the best way to summarize at the end?

5) Practice as much as possible.
  • Speak in front of a mirror.
  • Speak in front of family and friends.
  • Speak while videotaping yourself. Then watch yourself speaking.
*Follow these steps and your thinking process will be fruitful every time*
