Ask Good Question to Get Good Answers
1) Think
about what you want.
Do I want yes or no answers?
Do I need wise answers?
Do I need facts?
Do I need opinions?
So on and so forth.
2) Think
about whom to ask.
Should I ask an expert?
Should I ask one individual?
Should I ask a group of people?
So on and so forth.
3) If
you want complete answers, don't ask yes or
no questions. Ask question that begin with:
no questions. Ask question that begin with:
What …?
Who …?
When …?
Where …?
Why …?
How …?
4) Don't
be afraid.
Don't be afraid to ask stupid questions.
Don't be afraid to ask the same questions several times.
Don't be afraid to say “I don't know.”
Don't be afraid to say “I don't understand.”
Make eye contact.
Be patient.
Have an open mind.
6) If
people go away from the topic, bring them back politely.
You were saying that…
Lets go back to the story…
Please, come back to what you were saying…
Where were we…?
So on and so forth.
7) Take
advantage of the silence. Ask a question. Wait for the answer. Listen
to the response. Wait some more. This gives people time to give you
more information.
8) In
order to make sure you understood what you
heard, restate the information.
heard, restate the information.
You told me that… Is that correct?
You believe that…?
I learned that… Is that true?
So on and so forth.
*Follow these steps and your thinking process will be fruitful every time*
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